
From Several Weeks Ago. Boop.

Tuesday, July 08
Woowee! Long time, no write.
A storm is a-brewing, and we all just finished eating dinner (casserole, claro) with Linda and Charles. Linda made all these delicious vegetables such as squash and potatoes, creamy spinach, green beans, and a yummy salad with feta cheese.
Before dinner, we all got into the pond with Charles and Linda. Linda, actually, just sunbathed. Michelle and Bre lounged on Big Bertha, and I had a wee raft to float upon. It was so beautiful and sunny and breezy and warm. Perfect.
Now, Michelle and I are having a small date with GPS Melvin, trying to figure out our game plan for Friday (FRIDAY!!!!!!!!) We think we are going to leave right from camp, carpool back to Chester, and then her mama will come pick her up and I will meet her dog and then I will go to dinner with Bry and his family.
Today at camp, a really really nice guy named Jim got all the kids ice cream! It was incredible. The Homestead Creamery truck came and we let the kids go in groups to pick from Birthday cake, Butter Pecan, Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies and Cream, Strawberry, Mint Chocolate Chip, Banana, Black Raspberry…I can’t believe I was able to remember all of those! I am good. And it rained today, so the kids didn’t get to go outside, so the ice cream was a nice distraction from the fact that they were all pent up in the energy department.
This green tea is very comforting and very good. We went to the Y and I went for a short run outside and LET ME TELL YOU OMG it was so hot and I almost passed out. I was just running and running and finally I returned and did some arm weights and pushups and now my muscles are all wobbly. We are all quite sad at le fact that we will have to leave the kids. We are excited for our break, and to start a new camp, but it is going to be sad. I love the kids, and we all have one or two that we want to take with us or at the very least smuggle and illegally adopt as our own.
Do you know what is funny and also very absurd? Lately we have all six taken to checking out bridal and cooking magazines from the library. So we sit around and talk about food and getting married and whether we like this color or we like that hairstyle.
Last week, we had some really cool stories:

Uhhh, okay Jonathan, thanks for sharing.

Miss Wendy was standing right near the door, and a woman came up and asked “Is this the summer camp for the Y?”
And Miss Wendy said, “No, this is the SML Good Neighbors Camp.”
“Oh! You guys work with underpriviledged kids who can’t read very well, right?” (or something to that effect).
And before Miss Wendy could respond, Devon (a 2nd grade boy) says, “We’re learning how to be good neighbors…”
ISN’T THAT SO WONDERFUL? Talk about a Hallmark moment.

Savannah’s last day was on Friday, and her mom came in and just thanked us so much for what we are doing. She said that last summer, Savannah (WHO IS SO CUTE AND SO WELL BEHAVED AND REALLY JUST ADORABLE) had been in the Y camp and had come home hating it. Her mom said it was hard for her, because as a mom she had to work but she didn’t like sending Savannah somewhere she hated everyday. She said that this summer, Savannah has come home everyday singing the songs we teach them, telling her mom about all the different counselors, and bringing home her art projects. Savannah’s mom said she was always excited to go to camp, everyday.
JIGGLY MUSCLES, let me tell you.
So that’s all. I’m excited to see my family and my boyfriend and my dog.
Here you go, a little treatski:
Over and out!


1 comment:

Jenna Garber said...

You can do pushups!!! Look at you, ¡que fuerte!